
I’ve been curious to see the Replica Handbag

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week New York 2008! I probably don’t have to remind anyone, but yes, we are in the midst of the infamous New York Fashion Week. While designers, PR reps, socialites, models, celebrities and other lucky people participate, the rest of us eagerly await to see fashion images pop up. I know I’ve been curious to see the Replica Handbag which magazines cover what lines or what tidbit the nightly news might drop. Sure, there are new looks I am not fond of, but isn’t that the point of fashion sometimes… to push the envelope? Well, I do think the Fendi Stamped F6 Secret Code Bag might just fit into that category. This bag was seen gracing the runway and it got me thinking, could this handbag be one of the next on your wish list?

I have to say, once you realize what the handbag is made out of, it is no surprise it was featured on the runway during Fashion Week. The bag is available in two vibrant colors, violet and cherry. Although both fun colors for a handbag, it was the mink fur-stamped suede that really intrigued me. The luscious mink is paired well with the Wholesale Cheap Handbags and metal hardware. The front cut-outs are lined with wolf fish skin and accented with oversized stone (tiger’s eye stones on the violet bag while multicolored stones are on the cherry bag). I am not so sure how I feel about the adjustable shoulder strap (I’ve never been a big fan), but I do like that the flap top tucks into front panels and secured with a magnetic closure. So, a re-cap: the bag has graced New York’s Fashion Week, the material is stunning and there is a definite attention to detail. But the question remains, will the Fendi’s handbag go from the runway to your closet?

